Salmon with Cauliflower Coconut Rice
Big up this salmon dinner, it tastes banging.
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For the eggs:
To serve:
In a medium bowl combine all the guacamole ingredients and mash roughly together keeping it chunky, then set aside.
Warm up the tortilla per packet instructions and wrap in foil to keep warm.
In a small non-stick frying pan, heat up the oil over a medium to high heat and add half of the kimchi, spreading across the pan with a little space in the middle for the egg.
Drop the egg into the middle of the kimchi.
Once cooked, spread the guac onto the tortilla and add your kimchi egg, sprinkling with seeds, feta, coriander and sriracha (if using). Fold up and serve immediately with the lime wedges.
If you like your eggs extra crispy then cover with a pan lid while cooking.
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